The advantages of investing in Spain:
- Have the Schengen residence card for faster investors.
- Stability and security (82 million tourists per year).
- Strategic location located between the European and African continents.
- The Good Climate
- Mediterranean culture and gastronomy
- Facilitation and flexibility of public administrations.
- Expenses and taxes cheaper compared to other European countries
- The welcome and open-mindedness of foreigners (The Land of the Three Civilizations)
- Offers all type of transport in all places.
- Excellent Universities
- One of the world’s best health services
- Facilities for retirees.
- The facilities to open an annex linked to the country of origin
The Spanish government offers several financial and tax incentives for foreign investors:
Agricultural land:
Financial assistance according to the agricultural products and also according to the place with the exemptions of the taxes.
Aid for exports and re-exports.
Aid for rural areas.
Trade and Industry:
Financial assistance for the creation of the company with tax exemptions.
Free training courses depending on the sector.
Encouragement for exports.