What are the advantages of registering in the municipality in Spain “el empadronamiento” ?:
It is the document that proves the time of residence in Spanish territory, regardless of your nationality or your legal status, whether or not you have a residence or that it is suspended. Registration in the register recognizes you as a neighbor of the municipality.
To be able to register, you must find the address, you must not be your property, it could be for rent or a relative’s house or an acquaintance. It is recommended to register once you arrive in Spain. Registration takes place at the town hall located in the city where you live.
Registration is required in the presence of the person in the municipality during registration.
It is a very simple procedure and you will need this document:
To apply for establishment or work and residence permits,
– The right to apply for the health care card,
– In order to open a bank account,
– You will be asked to exchange a driving license if there is an agreement with your country of birth,
It is necessary to enroll your children in school
– And all other formalities inherent to foreigners.
One of the most important reasons for entering the municipal register is that the above-mentioned registration is proof of family reunification in order to obtain residence papers, as well as municipal benefits, such as assistance social.
In the civil status register (marriage, nationality, name and / or change the title and name, etc.).
The declarations of the heirs.
– Other official documents, penitentiary centers, customs office, INEM, universities.
Note that from its mission, it will be valid for three months. If you need it later, you will have a new request.
There is a basic law of 2003 which provides for the renewal of registration every two years for all foreigners in society without a permanent residence permit. Two year residency.
Can I register even if I don’t have papers?
If you are in an irregular situation, yes the registration of the town hall at the existing address. The municipal council or the illegality is not necessary on the legitimacy of the people residing on the Spanish territory. The city council does not keep a record of only “The Padrón” for people who live within its authority and to check the situation in which they are.
Documents required for registration:
– A request to the office of the town hall which corresponds to you according to your address, and with the necessary presence of the person.
Individual or group registration form.
Copy and original passport
In the presence of children, they present a copy and the original passport and family book
– A copy and original rental contract or authorization signed by the owner of the house in which he resides. If so, it should be included in the home registration form. Similarly, the house will have to renew its registration owner E.
In the case of children, they present a copy, an original passport and a family book.
What should I do if I change my address for a new municipality?
If you change your address, you must request the certificate of registration in the municipality where he has the new place of residence. During the first ten days of the following month, the municipality will inform your former municipality of a request to delete the register.
What is the certificate of registration and accreditation?
This is proof that your municipality will give you proof of registration. You should ask him to implement administrative procedures where necessary rigorous tests, such as the application of school aid, social services, transportation costs, and so on. Certificate of registration: you will request it when it will be necessary to prove your registration with courts, foreign organizations, etc. Certificates must bear the handwritten signature of the secretary and the mayor or their representatives.
What are the advantages of registering in the municipality in Spain ?